Thursday, January 15, 2009

Johnson City Chamber of Commerce Wildflower Art Contest


The Chamber has extended the deadline for art entries for the 2009 WILDFLOWER FESTIVAL to Friday, January 23. The winning entry will receive $100.00.

Entries should convey our Hill Country Wildflowers. The winning entry will be reproduced in promotional materials to represent this year's Wildflower Festival.

Entries (any media, no larger than 16"x20") should be dropped off at the Visitors Center.

Please pass this email on to your artistic friends!

For additional information:

Susan Kirchman, Director: Kirchman Galleries

213 N Nugent (Courthouse Square) 305 E Main (Hwy 290W)

Johnson City, TX 78626 Johnson City, TX 78636

(830 868 9290) (512) 629 9376

email: snail-mail: PO Box 115

Photoshop 4 Creativity Tour - San Antonio

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center
Room: 103
200 E. Market St
San Antonio, TX 78205
Phone: (210) 207-8500

At long last, you can spend a day with the photo realist genius of our times, Bert Monroy. While you may not be able to draw like Bert does (no one can, he's truly the master) in this seminar you'll be able to learn the techniques he's developed over the years to create realistic images that boggle the imagination.

It's the perfect seminar for Photoshop users, photographers and illustrators alike! Different from any seminar offered before, Bert will show you features that are underused and even overlooked by most people, yet powerful enough to make any imagined effect a reality.

More information here.

NANPA Texas Hill Country Regional Event

North American Nature Photography Association
Texas Hill Country
April 16-19, 2009

Located in the heart of the beautiful Texas Hill Country, Fredericksburg is a historic German community. There are numerous sites for photography in the vicinity, including: Pedernales Falls State Park, Enchanted Rock State Park, the Lyndon B. Johnson National Historic Park, and beautiful private ranches set up for nature photography.

This event is being presented in partnership with the Texas Hill Country Nature Photography Alliance.

More information here.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Agenda for Meeting on Jan. 15, 2009

Here's the agenda for our upcoming meeting on Thursday, Jan. 15, 2009:

7:00 - 7:20 : Announcements, Introduction of new members/guests, Member News

7:20 - 8:20 : DVD Viewing: National Geographic - The Photographers

8:30 - 9:00: Formal critiques. This month's Volunteer Critic: TBD. Topic: Recent Work. Don't forget to send your 3 critique images (jpg 800 pixels wide) by Tuesday, January 13th via email to: View the critique process here:

Location: Merrill Gardens in San Marcos. Map and directions available on our club website.

About the DVD:

Find out what it's like to travel, explore and ''get the shot'' on assignment with the celebrated photographers of National Geographic. You'll hear the secrets of these remarkable men and women—the dangers they face, and the lives they lead for the love of their craft. And discover the remarkable talent required to take pictures that make history, as you gain a fascinating new perspective on the world through the eyes of The Photographers.