Thursday, March 6, 2014

March Meeting

Our next meeting is on Thursday, March 20th. Please mark your calendars!
7:00 - 7:15: Introduction of New Members/Guests, Announcements, Member News
7:15 - 8:15: Presentation - "Cell Phoneography" - Winifred Simon
8:15 - 9:00: Image Reviews - Topic: Recent work.
Don't forget to send your review images (jpg 800 pixels wide) by Tuesday, March 18th via email

Reminder about our image review process:
When we display your image we'll ask you to select one of these reviews:
  1. Critique - You have specific questions you'd like to ask about your image and you want feedback from the other photographers at the meeting. Come prepared with your questions.
  2. Show and Tell - You'd simply like to share information about this image with us such as technique or location.
More about our image review process here:
Meeting Location: Horizon Bay (formerly Merrill Gardens) in San Marcos. Map and directions available on our club website. When you enter the building, stay on the first floor and walk to the back and turn left. We're in the first room on the right.

About our Program

Long-time club member and Treasurer, Winifred Simon, will give us a update on Cell Phoneography.

It's been two years since Winifred last showed us the kind of images you can achieve with your cell phone and apps, so we thought an update was due.

We'd like you to participate in the program too and include cell phone photos you wish to share. Please send up to two cell phone images and be prepared to discuss them during the meeting. What cell phone and app did you use?

Please email your phone images to Make sure you clearly indicate that they are for the Cell Phoneography program.

Be sure to visit Winifred's web page: