Sunday, October 16, 2011

Agenda for meeting on October 20, 2011

Our next meeting is on Thursday, October 20th. Please mark your calendars!

7:00 - 7:30: Introduction of New Members/Guests, Announcements, Member News.
7:30 - 8:15: Guest Speaker - Laurence Parent

8:15 - 9:00: Image Reviews - Topic: Blue. What does that mean? Well, blue is a color, a mood, a musical note, at least. Be creative! What is your interpretation of blue? Don't forget to send your 2 review images (jpg 800 pixels wide) by Tuesday, October 18th via email to:
Reminder about our image review process:
When we display your image we'll ask you to select one of these reviews:
  1. Critique - You have specific questions you'd like to ask about your image and you want feedback from the other photographers at the meeting. Come prepared with your questions.
  2. Show and Tell - You'd simply like to share information about this image with us such as technique or location.
More about the new image review process here:

Meeting Location: Horizon Bay (formerly Merrill Gardens) in San Marcos. Map and directions available on our club website.

About our Speaker: Laurence Parent

Laurence Parent was born in New Mexico and raised in several southwestern states, primarily New Mexico. After receiving a petroleum engineering degree at the University of Texas at Austin in 1981, he practiced engineering for six years before becoming a full-time freelance photographer and writer specializing in landscape, travel, and nature subjects. His love of the outdoors was inspired by his parents, Hiram and Annette Parent, who took him on numerous hiking and camping trips when he was young. Because his father was a National Park Service ranger, he grew up in some of America's most beautiful places. Among other tasks, Laurence's father did photo work for the National Park Service and occasional freelance jobs on the side. His mother periodically wrote magazine articles, often on travel subjects. Although Laurence had no conscious desire to photograph and write until he was already a practicing engineer, as he grew older he was drawn to the photographic profession by his love of the outdoors and a desire to work for himself.

Laurence travels all over the United States and to other countries in pursuit of exceptional images. He has gathered stock from 52 states and provinces and several other countries. He typically spends up to half of the year on the road. Through patience and planning, he tries to capture his photographic subjects at the perfect moment of light and weather. He hopes that the photographs produced by his efforts will inspire people to protect our world's beautiful natural and historical heritage.
To get the best possible image quality, Laurence specializes in large-format 4x5 images of the natural and human landscape. He also uses a 35mm camera to capture images that are impossible to get with a 4x5, such as outdoor sports. In recent years he has begun to collaborate with his wife, Patricia Caperton Parent, on book and magazine projects. Laurence and Patricia make their home in the Austin, Texas area.

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