Friday, October 4, 2013

October Meeting

Our next meeting is on Thursday, October 17th. Please mark your calendars!
7:00 - 7:15: Introduction of New Members/Guests, Announcements, Member News
7:15 - 8:15: Presentation - "Night Photography: Post-processing" - Andy Heatwole
8:15 - 9:00: Image Reviews - Topic: Recent Work.
Don't forget to send your review images (jpg 800 pixels wide) by Tuesday, October 15th via email

Reminder about our image review process:
When we display your image we'll ask you to select one of these reviews:
  1. Critique - You have specific questions you'd like to ask about your image and you want feedback from the other photographers at the meeting. Come prepared with your questions.
  2. Show and Tell - You'd simply like to share information about this image with us such as technique or location.
More about our image review process here:
Meeting Location: Horizon Bay (formerly Merrill Gardens) in San Marcos. Map and directions available on our club website. When you enter the building, stay on the first floor and walk to the back and turn left. We're in the first room on the right.

About our Program

We were fortunate to have Andy Heatwole conduct a hands-on Night Photography workshop in downtown San Marcos for our March meeting. He is returning for our October program to demonstrate his workflow and techniques for post-processing of Night Photography images.

Andy has offered to work on our images, taken at the March workshop, during the program! Here are his guidelines:

For the images, I prefer to work with the original RAW files but I will consider JPG/TIFF images and those that have already been edited. For each image submitted, I would like a description of what the photographer wants to see in terms of enhancement or correction. Depending on how many are submitted and the time limit for the presentation, I may have to select only a few to demonstrate.
Members can submit their images to me through my dropbox at

Andy Heatwole is a professional architectural photographer and works with clients throughout the US. He was inspired to take up photography over a decade ago when he discovered the possibilities of night photography on the Internet. What started as a hobby became a passionate pursuit and eventually a career. When he's not shooting commercially, he enjoys photographing the landscapes and natural beauty of the Central TX area. For samples of his work, please visit
His night photography workshops blend his love for night photography with his enjoyment of teaching it. These workshops serve as an introduction into an area of photography that offers virtually unlimited opportunities for creativity. By demystifying the process, participants gain an understanding of the photographic techniques required for capturing great photos at night. His goal is for each participant to come away some great photos and the skills to continue exploring night photography on their own. All skill levels are welcomed and participants receive personal instruction to meet their specific needs.

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